Justyna Dąbska, nauczyciel języka angielskiego, oligofrenopedagog
Szkoła Podstawowa Specjalna nr 244 w Warszawie
Nauczanie języka angielskiego uczniów z ADHD - sugestie.
Tekst napisany w języku angielskim, przeznaczony dla nauczycieli, którzy pracują z uczniami nadpobudliwymi psycho - ruchowo, zawierający rozwiązania i wskazówki do efektywnej pracy z tą grupą uczniów.

This part of my deliberation is based upon the publication of U.S Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs and upon reflections shared at www.addinschool.com.


My point of view is that Polish schools are still not fully adjusted to hyperactive learners’ needs.

There are so called integrative schools and integrative classes, but in fact they are still not adapted to effective teaching of ADHD learners. In Poland integrative class means the gathering of learners having different problems. There is no division into classes for ADHD learners, children with mental or physical disorders. Learners are all put together in one class and it seems that the only criterion is their age or level of mental abilities. It is true that there are less learners than in common classes, but in fact it does not change much.

It is really impossible to pay that much attention to ADHD learners that they need. Even if there are supporting teachers. Unfortunately, the same situation takes place in case of special schools. Theoretically, they are intended for differently disabled learners. Classes are not numerous and there are few learners, but it still is of no importance, because hyperactive learners have to share the same classroom with autistic children, children suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome, Down Syndrome and other mental disorders. In such class it is not possible to pay attention to only one learner and work only with him, because the rest of the learners also requires constant teacher’s attention and supervision.

In my opinion ADHD learners should work in small classes containing five children having similar problems.

This part of my deliberation is based upon the publication of U.S Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs and upon reflections shared at www.addinschool.com.


My point of view is that Polish schools are still not fully adjusted to hyperactive learners’ needs.

There are so called integrative schools and integrative classes, but in fact they are still not adapted to effective teaching of ADHD learners. In Poland integrative class means the gathering of learners having different problems. There is no division into classes for ADHD learners, children with mental or physical disorders. Learners are all put together in one class and it seems that the only criterion is their age or level of mental abilities. It is true that there are less learners than in common classes, but in fact it does not change much.

It is really impossible to pay that much attention to ADHD learners that they need. Even if there are supporting teachers. Unfortunately, the same situation takes place in case of special schools. Theoretically, they are intended for differently disabled learners. Classes are not numerous and there are few learners, but it still is of no importance, because hyperactive learners have to share the same classroom with autistic children, children suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome, Down Syndrome and other mental disorders. In such class it is not possible to pay attention to only one learner and work only with him, because the rest of the learners also requires constant teacher’s attention and supervision.

In my opinion ADHD learners should work in small classes containing five children having similar problems.


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